L’Cha’im y Saludby sam enderby |
Moocher has way too much time on his unemployed hands as many of you
know by now and when I say "many" of you I think you know what I mean (
and I am delighted that someone may). While constantly amazed and
annoyed and just downright angry at how this ACA has played out through
its nascent history; especially filtered through the raciallybrushed
Hate of the Obama Presidency. In reaching for a new level of political
snarkiness I was thinking of re-defining the word HOPHEAD to mean Hater
of Obama Presidency but perhaps we shall leave it where it lay. In any
event I for one (of millions?) still cannot access that damn "exchange
site" either the federal one or in my home state of New York. There is
something so screwy about all of this - from the "plan" itself to its
implementation. Its a bequeathal to the insurance bosses via the
notoriously reactionary Heritage Foundation:
Assuring Affordable Health Care For All Americans by Stuart M. Butler, Heritage Foundation October 1, 1989
Mandate all households to obtain adequate insurance. Many states now
require passengers in automobiles to wear seatbelts for their own
protection. Many others require anybody driving a car to have li a
bility insurance. But neither the federal government nor any state
requires all households to protect themselves from the potentially
catastrophic costs of a serious accident or illness. Under the Heritage
plan, there would be such a requirement. This man d ate is based on two
important principles. First, that health care protection is a
responsibility of individuals, not businesses. Thus to the extent that
anybody should be required to provide coverage to a family, the
household mandate assumes that it is t h e family that carries the first
responsibility. Second, it assumes that there is an implicit contract
between households and society, based on the notion that health
insurance is not like other forms of insurance protection. If a young
man wrecks his Pors c he and has not had the foresight to obtain
insurance, we may commiserate but society feels no obligation to repair
his car. But health care is different. If a man is struck down by a
heart attack in the street, Americans will care for him whether or not h
e has insurance. If we find that he has spent his money on other things
rather than insurance, we may be angry but we will not deny him
services - even if that means more prudent citizens end up paying the
tab. A mandate on individuals recognizes this impl i cit contract.
Society does feel a moral obligation to insure that its citizens do not
suffer from the unavailability of health care. But on the other hand,
each household has the obligation, to the extent it is able, to avoid
placing demands on society by protecting itself. 3) Provide help to
those who cannot afford protection.
somehow President Obama found useful enough to be the crux of his big
health hooha - and judging (thats all we really do here) from how he
continuously thought the Republicans would respond to whatever he was
doing it probably looked pretty good if you discarded how a majority of
Americans who bothered to think about this at all really felt about how
healthcare in the richest nation on earth should be because afterall it
was the conservatives' plan and it was working as "Romneycare" in
Massachusetts and yet..and still with no so-called bipartisan support
and with a blanket malice on the part of the Republicans and their
corporate sponsors it becomes law with an added nod from the Supreme
Court- which upon further consideration is no nod at all coming from
such an unabled body of third rate -with limited exception- political
stooges and a proud and fitting(?) cornerstone to President Obama's
legacy and now they had almost 3! years to set this up properly, 3 years
to figure and write code and make it all so accessible, the crowning
achievement of his presidency and its like being back in 6th grade and
your term paper on the history of England is due tomorrow and you
haven't even started. Okay, there was always going to be problems with
something so complex (not really) and massive but if I didn't know any
better I would say the incompetence and just the poor execution of this
"rolling out" was planned- It would make a whole lot of sense if it were
shown that this debacle was indeed deliberate because the alternative
is too painful to consider.
the entire Republican Party amassed against it -led by among many its
nominal leader Rush, I mean Reince yourPriebus why couldn't the Obama
Administration seek the advise and know
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Jeff |
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Mutt |
how of such as say a Jeff Bezos and others who have lots of experience with "millions clicking every minute." The entire U.S. economy seems dependent now on the CLICK and SCAN -those who do and those who actually makes things CLICK and SCAN not to be confused with a well-known household cleaner that was originally invented by two Michigan housewives working away in THEIR garage with different glues and sodium bi-products back in the early years of the Great Depression; sold their product to a big company for a million or so -usual American success tale; the name, of course, came under some social/political protest in latter years and really hasn't been seen on TV for a while - unlike that Washington NFL football team- but nevertheless still abides and is now part of an even bigger multi-national, now where was I? Too many distractions- which may or may not have played a role in the rollout. I've been stuck at the tax and income status part of the sign-up application. The pinwheel just won't stop. I had ventured a phone call earlier- left my info with the mechanical voice on the other end and have as yet not received a call back within a day as stated. Still is that a reason to repeal? Perhaps I should just have left it with the NSA - just picked up the phone and whispered to the void. What were those Big Brother TV screens called again? Remember, the "2-way" -you had to watch. I keep picturing the entire Republican delegation screaming at "Obamacare" during the two-minute Hate. Distractions. I wanted to follow through for this "distraction" you are currently reading with how the Republicans try their best to misinform and out right lie about the ACA and of course the laugh is on them as the Democrats and Obama's "Team" are doing pretty well in lousing things up anyway without the Republicans harping on any and every-thing for the sake of political points and their salvation. Its been done afore- Fox news "does" a story and one of the stations will refute it line by lying line but still when the U.S. Congress in the form of a Republican representative sets out to misinform and lie to the American public without any internal protest or outrage by any other Congressperson you have to wonder about the conversations that do transpire in those hallowed and harrowing halls of the people. How this mendacity is soon awash from coast to coast is no small wonder as the Republican propaganda and Hate machine is relentless - you know the drill, keep repeating the same lie over and over until it becomes part of everyone's thinking and if everyone knows then it must be true because I forgot what was proposed in the first place and can't remember any alternative reality. Fox said so, John Boehner says so, Eric Cantor says so, Mitch McConnell says so so and Rush said so so. And out in the middle of this land Reps are hearing from their constituents and in their enthusiastic glee to show their "distinguished" colleagues what a certain disaster the ACA is they air out their constituents concerns even when they are asked not to make it public which is how I came across the following in the Congressional Record - In thinking I would make like a real reporter I contacted the person whom the Rep had mentioned to find out more about her and her families attempt at obtaining healthcare. Our brief epistolary follows:
Dear Mrs K.
hope you won't mind this intrusion into your privacy but as I came
across your name referenced by Rep. W in the Congressional Record and
your letter to her I am wondering if you could help out this free-lance
writer chronicling the advent of "Obamacare" on individuals like
yourself. If I may ask, why did your company stop paying its share of
your health coverage when they have been given at least a year's grace
to comply with the law's mandates; what exactly were you and your
husband covered for under your old plan and why wasn't it explained that
if you are to seek out the market place plans there are various options
of cost savings and a formula based on how much you earn and
considering that you and your husband have been cut $30,000 in income
these past few years surely you must be able to qualify for some big
savings-according to the law, or else you two must earn a small fortune
between you checking people's credit lines-; finally who do you really
blame for this instance- your employer? Obama? the insurance company?
Were you and your husband satisfied with your employer's explanation? I
do hope you both find a way out of this terrible quandary and I pray
that things will work out for you both. In the meantime anything you can
add will be much appreciated and please, if you agree and only that,
you will allow me to attribute any quotes and data you would be so kind
to send .
Sam Enderby
To Me
Nov 19 at 2:10 PM
Good afternoon,
take this as OFFICIAL notice that you do NOT have authorization to use
ANY information you have obtained about me, my family or my situation in
any way or format. This information was NOT public and I am not sure
how you obtained any of this information but it was in a private e-mail
between myself and Rep W’s office. This was NOT in the congressional
records or speech which would have made it public. Please do not contact
me further on this or any other issue. I do not appreciate your
intrusion into an e-mail conversation I had with Rep W’s office and I
had other conversations after that information that you obviously did
not have that information with clarifications and other updates on our
I do not appreciate your intrusion into my personal and private information and please do not contact me again.
Thank you for your cooperation in advance.
To K
Today at 12:51 PM
To K
Today at 12:51 PM
Congressional Record
113th Congress (2013-2014)
OBAMACARE--HURTING THE HARDWORKING MIDDLE CLASS -- (Extensions of Remarks - November 13, 2013)
[Page: E1644]
Mrs. W. Mr. Speaker, in recent weeks, I have received far too many heartbreaking stories from the people of the 2nd District about how government-run healthcare is impacting their lives.
Today, I rise to put a face on the horrors of ObamaCare and tell K's story who hail from Missouri.
This is their story in their own words.
We, the working middle class, are the ones who are being hurt by this law.
We struggle every day to make ends meet.
But now, because of Obamacare, we received a notice from the insurance company that the plan we currently pay for does not meet the guidelines and we will no longer be covered on January 1st, 2014.
``Now we have to find an extra $500 to $600 minimum per month to cover the insurance that is comparable to what we had before. I have no idea how we will afford that kind of money and pay our bills and mortgage each month ``
This is just one of the millions of examples of real people being hurt by ObamaCare.
This story is from K, a Senior Underwriter at an insurance company in Saint Louis, MO:
We, the working middle class, are the ones who are being hurt by this law.
We struggle every day to make ends meet. The one bright spot is that the middle sized family owned company that my husband works for paid 100% of both of our health care and dental premiums on a very good PPO plan. That was a huge benefit and a saving grace.
But now, because of Obamacare, we have received notice from the insurance company that the plan that they currently pay for does not meet the marketplace guidelines and we will no longer be covered effective on January 1st, 2014. They are not paying anything towards our insurance at all.
So now we will be trying to scramble to come up with an extra $500-$600 min per month to cover the insurance that is comparable to the plan that we had. I have medical issues so I have quite a few doctor visits and bills each year so I am not cheap to cover so it may even be more than that.
Thanks for your time and again thanks for standing up for us. Someone needs to help us before we all go bankrupt and lose everything we have worked so hard to build up during our lifetimes.
From: K
Received: 10/27/13
Dear A, I comes as quite a shock to me on how much of an impact Obamacare is having on myself and the country as a whole. Let alone the fact that I feel it was NEVER really explained very well to the American people let alone very well thought out by law makers when this plan was put together. This will further hurt our economy and drive it back possibly to the brink of another recession.
My husband had already taken over $10,000/ year cut in pay a couple years ago and I at the same time took over a $20 000 cut in pay, but we looked at it that at least we still had jobs. We struggle every day to make ends meet. The one bight spot is that the middle size family owned company that my husband works for paid 100% of both of our health care and dental premiums on a very good PPO plan. That was a huge benefit and a saving grace.
But now due to Obamacare we have received notice from the insurance company that the plan that they currently pay for does not meet the ``market place'' guidelines and we will no longer be covered effective on January 1st, 2014. My husband approached his employer and the comment that he received is that we will probably have to go out to the market place and get insurance from there because they don't feel that they will be able to afford the insurance that is now being required by the new ``LAW''. So along with that they are NOT paying anything towards our insurance AT ALL. So this will now along with cuts in pay, we will be trying to scramble to come up with probably around $500-$600 min per month to cover the insurance that is comparable to the plan that we had. I have medical issues so I do have quite a few Doctor visits and bills each year so I am not cheap to cover so it may even be more than that.
I have no idea how we will be able to afford that kind of money each month and pay the mortgage and other bills that we have let alone be punished with a penalty if we do not have insurance. That is ridiculous. You should have been able to put together a plan that would BENEFIT the people not PENALIZE the majority of them.
If the ``PLAN'' is that good why did they have to make it a law for everyone to participate. If it was done correctly people would WANT to participate. THAT is the ``PLAN'' that they should have put into place.
Thanks for your time and again thanks for standing up for us. Someone needs to help us before we all go bankrupt and lose everything we have worked so hard to build up during our lifetimes.
Senior Underwriter,
[Page: E1644]
Mrs. W. Mr. Speaker, in recent weeks, I have received far too many heartbreaking stories from the people of the 2nd District about how government-run healthcare is impacting their lives.
Today, I rise to put a face on the horrors of ObamaCare and tell K's story who hail from Missouri.
This is their story in their own words.
We, the working middle class, are the ones who are being hurt by this law.
We struggle every day to make ends meet.
But now, because of Obamacare, we received a notice from the insurance company that the plan we currently pay for does not meet the guidelines and we will no longer be covered on January 1st, 2014.
``Now we have to find an extra $500 to $600 minimum per month to cover the insurance that is comparable to what we had before. I have no idea how we will afford that kind of money and pay our bills and mortgage each month ``
This is just one of the millions of examples of real people being hurt by ObamaCare.
This story is from K, a Senior Underwriter at an insurance company in Saint Louis, MO:
We, the working middle class, are the ones who are being hurt by this law.
We struggle every day to make ends meet. The one bright spot is that the middle sized family owned company that my husband works for paid 100% of both of our health care and dental premiums on a very good PPO plan. That was a huge benefit and a saving grace.
But now, because of Obamacare, we have received notice from the insurance company that the plan that they currently pay for does not meet the marketplace guidelines and we will no longer be covered effective on January 1st, 2014. They are not paying anything towards our insurance at all.
So now we will be trying to scramble to come up with an extra $500-$600 min per month to cover the insurance that is comparable to the plan that we had. I have medical issues so I have quite a few doctor visits and bills each year so I am not cheap to cover so it may even be more than that.
Thanks for your time and again thanks for standing up for us. Someone needs to help us before we all go bankrupt and lose everything we have worked so hard to build up during our lifetimes.
From: K
Received: 10/27/13
Dear A, I comes as quite a shock to me on how much of an impact Obamacare is having on myself and the country as a whole. Let alone the fact that I feel it was NEVER really explained very well to the American people let alone very well thought out by law makers when this plan was put together. This will further hurt our economy and drive it back possibly to the brink of another recession.
My husband had already taken over $10,000/ year cut in pay a couple years ago and I at the same time took over a $20 000 cut in pay, but we looked at it that at least we still had jobs. We struggle every day to make ends meet. The one bight spot is that the middle size family owned company that my husband works for paid 100% of both of our health care and dental premiums on a very good PPO plan. That was a huge benefit and a saving grace.
But now due to Obamacare we have received notice from the insurance company that the plan that they currently pay for does not meet the ``market place'' guidelines and we will no longer be covered effective on January 1st, 2014. My husband approached his employer and the comment that he received is that we will probably have to go out to the market place and get insurance from there because they don't feel that they will be able to afford the insurance that is now being required by the new ``LAW''. So along with that they are NOT paying anything towards our insurance AT ALL. So this will now along with cuts in pay, we will be trying to scramble to come up with probably around $500-$600 min per month to cover the insurance that is comparable to the plan that we had. I have medical issues so I do have quite a few Doctor visits and bills each year so I am not cheap to cover so it may even be more than that.
I have no idea how we will be able to afford that kind of money each month and pay the mortgage and other bills that we have let alone be punished with a penalty if we do not have insurance. That is ridiculous. You should have been able to put together a plan that would BENEFIT the people not PENALIZE the majority of them.
If the ``PLAN'' is that good why did they have to make it a law for everyone to participate. If it was done correctly people would WANT to participate. THAT is the ``PLAN'' that they should have put into place.
Thanks for your time and again thanks for standing up for us. Someone needs to help us before we all go bankrupt and lose everything we have worked so hard to build up during our lifetimes.
Senior Underwriter,
Dear K,
Now what was that about NOT being in the Congressional Record?
have deleted names and places because I told my correspondent I would.
Her Republican rep, who she refers to by first name, never gave her the
courtesy and never offered a courtesy to the rest of the country's
citizens by promulgating the BIG Lie about "Obamacare". Whatever its
limitation and shortcomings and whatever its lamentable origins it is a
fullout attempt to meet the healthcare needs of our entire nation by at
least a universal inclusionary platform - and a bow to proponents of
so-called free market systems and corporatism- and it is more than
telling that instead of making this a truely BI-partisan effort the
Republicans- enmasse-chose to deny the American people at least a
chance, a beginning of something that by all lights should not be a
privilege but a right - and for those of us who supported the so named
public option- a free right, free in the sense of the pursuit of
happiness, liberty, and by life we mean health- but they elected to
fight against it every lick of the way because - well, in my
narrowheaded thinking- they don't like Obama; they don't like the idea
of a Black man as President and have acted that way ever since he took
office. You would be hard pressed to show me otherwise. Besides they are
on record publicly. K sent me back a note - apologetic in its way-
saying to effect that she had no idea that her Rep had put her entire
correspondence and private stuff in the very public Congressional Record
after she was assured that it would be just between them. I would have
written back but felt inhibited and I thought that what I wanted to ask
would have sounded-well snarky in a word. I would have asked her if she
planned on voting for her Rep in the next election. I then would have
asked her if she would have asked-for me- why instead of spreading lies
and misinformation like the rest of her (whole) party not at the very
least get together with whomever-Obama say and his "health-team" and see
how you can make this better- not destroy it. What was the Republican
healthplan anyway? Answer: its "Obamacare".