Three billion blogs out here and you stumble into mine. Well I thought I had a good one a couple of days ago but as is the case I had it all written out in my head at around 4 in the morning and when I arose I couldn’t remember quite what my great idea was let alone where the hell I put my socks or perhaps I should give Rand Paul a call ( a fellow moocher) and anyway what does it matter we ain’t saving the world here and we certainly ain’t paying the rent. I get waylaid; distracted, mired in the swampy suck of self-indulgence to borrow a phrase not from Rand the Scamp but this from Professor Simon Schama who has a fine way with words all his own. In any case what had me kicking off the blanket and pulling out the sheets and just giving my poor wife fits -was the thought that this is the best we can do. In a related matter I never thought this “Auto-Blog” would amount too much and even confessing to ulterior efforts to gain a nickel from this fell to ruin as I have once again proved to no one in particular that I am no capitalist but just a poor whore as witness the following:
Dear sam enderby, You are receiving this email because your Commission Junction publisher account has not generated any valid commissions during the last five months. Commission Junction is committed to maintaining a dynamic and productive network. Consequently, per the Publisher Service Agreement, we regularly deactivate accounts that are not actively earning commissions and do not have a sufficient balance amount. Your account has been deemed inactive and is scheduled to begin the dormancy process in the next 30 days. What that means is that beginning 30 days from now, your account will begin accruing a monthly dormant account fee against any balance that currently exists in the account. Once the account has reached a zero balance, the account will be deactivated. This fee only applies to dormant accounts that currently show a balance; if your account currently has a zero balance, no fees will be assessed and your account will be deactivated immediately following the next 30 days of inactivity.
There was this idea to sell stuff along with my nutty musings – you know everytime someone clicks and buys or inquires or just browses you get a wee percentage of something just for advertising that something on your site – I tried it with some general plumbing number tying it in to recent NSA concern about “leaks”- get it?- but no
one clicked so they cancelled. It was my only effort to make something of myself AND you have to be accepted, OKed as I say, depending on the product and the appropriateness of your site; I mean who doesn’t need a reasonably priced plumber? Well so much for the business of publishing. No one will ever accuse me of selling out (Actually, I think I did long ago). Speaking of which, I have recently been accumulating dozens of new subscribers – remember its free, kids- everybody and anybody is welcomed here. Unfortunately I think most if not ALL of you are SPAM. That was another thing I sort of let lapse. You see, there was this anti-spam program I could no longer afford to use so I let it go and now I’m attracting these innocent enough sounding subscribers with the weird hotmail addresses. I’ve even sent out some personal e-mails to these “people” usually starting “If you’re a real person please write back and say you are.” So far I’m about as successful as I was with my advertising program. Either that or most don’t understand English. For a long spell I swear I was getting most of my subscribers from Poland and points east. Serves me right I guess. This whole blog-schmog thing is a most solitary exercise for me. I think I am just pecking away here trying to remember what a subject and predicate is (are?). Actually I should refrain from those Polish references as I recently read that Poland is considered one of the top countries in its public education- we on the other hand, in a word-suck. I was hoping my “Twitter” account would attract some interesting people to connect with and I of course would introduce them to the “Joyful Moocher” and I could then look forward to some smart criticism and partake in some repartee and maybe start an actual dialogue with readers who are bloggers/writers and so forth but so far its just those subscribers from somewhere off the beaten googlemap. Talk about an indulgence: I have perused the streets of Paris and Rome and, yes, even Oswiecim, without having left the comfort of my bedroom-thanks to google Maps. The Brontes would be envious. While “in Rome” I visited the old Jewish quarter :
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No stick ball allowed? |
historical passings and to
my mind’s eye what an old European street is- narrow with old buildings
closing in on you and people moving and doing, walking, eating,-you can
tell I don’t get out much and on this street just a few steps down from
this plaque are a couple of Jewish eateries that I – if ever given the
gift of overseas travel – long to sample.
then you would know why I’d travel to the ends of the earth for a proper kneidelekh and kugel, and tzimmes. But back to the plaque; you may now zoom in again on the inscription and although it is probably familiar to speakers of Italian some of the letters are a bit fuzzy to this average dumb American who is not conversive in more than one language and even that is questionable, so it is hard to properly transcribe what is inscribed on the plaque on the building. There is enough to draw from, however, but I would prefer a complete rendering. There is a date on the plaque : 16 Ottobre 1943 and there is this : “Deportati Ad Auschwitz”. The Jews of Rome were rounded up on this day – even within sight of the Vatican and without an utterance from Pius XII- and sent to Auschwitz. I believe the plaque is commemorating this and mentions a family that may have been living in this house then. I’m still trying to get an accurate translation. Interesting that in my random browsing through google and then on twitter I found a photographer who had just returned from Rome and had posted photos of the old Jewish quarter on line and I was able to ask her if she by chance- by a great chance had passed by this house and had taken a photo of the front-with the plaque in plain view so that someone could enlarge it and be able to read the inscription and so perhaps be able to obtain a true translation and she said “I have it” ! But that was over a month ago and I have not heard back nor will I ask again. Previously I had sent an e-mail to what I think is the current address of the Jewish Community Center in Rome asking for help but so far not a word. I also sent or rather stumbled upon the Facebook page of “the Tavern” or was it the place across the street and asked there if someone could be of assistance. I have also sent word to someone in New Zealand who writes about these very same places on her(?) blog. I did this through twitter, which is always a dicey thing to do-what given my own dismal history with connecting on it-I seem to only “attract” meshuganas from the right who seem to think my sarcasm is a sign of sincere political policy.
Sam Enderby @joyfulmoocher 20h
In any case I await on shpilkes for any attention in this matter and in the meanwhile I will probably spend -now- the rest of my afternoon figuring out how to get back to my previous font.
(Later that week)
Dig deeper online or is that click even more and the great Internet Machine will reveal more of itself and the world. I stumbled across “my plaque” on a site titled “trip advisor” or something. Here it is:
And “my” taverna answered my plea for a translation. And with my translation there are now more questions.
Taverna del Ghetto Kosher This is the translation:
Settimio Calò came out of the house where he lived with his wife, Clelia Frascati, and nine children. When he returned there found it empty forever. His loved ones had been raked October 16, 1943 and then deported to Auschwitz along with more than a thousand jews in the name of the racist policy of fascism. None of his family returned. They represent all the families destroyed antisemitic hatred.
December 8- Sam Enderby- Thank you!!Grazie!! SO Mr. Calo survived? And his wife and children all died?
I don’t know why I was so incredulously stupid. The plaque says they NEVER returned! I’ll just chalk it up to the shock of somebody actually taking the time and bother to respond to me and of course the unspeakable sadness of Mr. Calo’s lost – I mean the guy had just gone for cigarettes:
“Settimio Calo, 44, a Jew who had left home early that fateful morning to join a queue at a tobacconists’ shop for scarce cigarettes, returned to find his wife and nine children gone. A married daughter living around the corner had also disappeared. He ran down the street in a mad panic and eventually made his way to the Collegio Militare, a building along the Tiber not far from the Vatican, where the Jews had been taken. Calo threw himself against the doors but an Italian guard took him by the arm and said, “Are you crazy? Get out of here. Don’t you know they’ll grab you too if they see you?” Calo kept pushing but the guard threw him out. “I walked a little, sat on the ground and began to cry, ” he said.
The Jews taken to the Collegio Militare passed St. Peter’s Square, shouting to Pope Pius XII to save them..” - from Mussolini-The Last 600 Days of Il Duce by Ray Moseley (Taylor Trade, 2004)
Settimio Calò came out of the house where he lived with his wife, Clelia Frascati, and nine children. When he returned there found it empty forever. His loved ones had been raked October 16, 1943 and then deported to Auschwitz along with more than a thousand jews in the name of the racist policy of fascism. None of his family returned. They represent all the families destroyed antisemitic hatred.
December 8- Sam Enderby- Thank you!!Grazie!! SO Mr. Calo survived? And his wife and children all died?
I don’t know why I was so incredulously stupid. The plaque says they NEVER returned! I’ll just chalk it up to the shock of somebody actually taking the time and bother to respond to me and of course the unspeakable sadness of Mr. Calo’s lost – I mean the guy had just gone for cigarettes:
“Settimio Calo, 44, a Jew who had left home early that fateful morning to join a queue at a tobacconists’ shop for scarce cigarettes, returned to find his wife and nine children gone. A married daughter living around the corner had also disappeared. He ran down the street in a mad panic and eventually made his way to the Collegio Militare, a building along the Tiber not far from the Vatican, where the Jews had been taken. Calo threw himself against the doors but an Italian guard took him by the arm and said, “Are you crazy? Get out of here. Don’t you know they’ll grab you too if they see you?” Calo kept pushing but the guard threw him out. “I walked a little, sat on the ground and began to cry, ” he said.
The Jews taken to the Collegio Militare passed St. Peter’s Square, shouting to Pope Pius XII to save them..” - from Mussolini-The Last 600 Days of Il Duce by Ray Moseley (Taylor Trade, 2004)